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Colombia Calling - The English Voice in Colombia

The Colombia Calling podcast is your first stop magazine-style podcast for everything you ever wanted to know about Colombia. Interviewing experts in the travel industry, deciphering the politics, dealing with security issues and explaining the cultural nuances of this newly fashionable destination, Colombia Calling is hosted by Anglo Canadian expat Richard McColl and broadcast on the Overseas Radio Network


Jul 31, 2018

Colombian photographer Gabriel Eisenband performed a great public service when he decided to abandon his career in marketing to pursue his passion and dream of a life behind the lens. 

Now, Eisenband is a journeyman around his beloved Colombia and is the principal photographer for the new Colombia National Parks coffee table book available from July 2018. Having himself visited 41 of Colombia's national parks, he may be the person who has seen the most of this country and so we at Colombia Calling have the opportunity to sit down with him and talk about his latest project and the adventures he encountered along the way. 

Follow him and see some of his photos on instagram: @gaboeisenband
or, better yet, buy the book!